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Blog de baileyangelina

14 de Noviembre, 2012 · General

Jump Manual Review - Evolution of the High Jump in Athletics

Normal 0 MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Hopping techniques have evolved over the years to reach Fosbury style, which is what is used at present.

Initially there were two types of jump, with no momentum and impulse. In the 1900 Paris Olympics, St. Louis 1904, London 1908 and Stockholm in 1912 he made his way twice. The first divers were traversing the bar with the style called scissor Lewden French invented the technique was, after a short run-up, face the bar with a scissors motion with his legs, which passed the first leg and after another With this technique, to overcome the height of 1.97 meters.

George Horine revolution introduced and called "rib roll" (it was a kind of roller, as the body flipped over the bar, but it was on the back). Horine was the first athlete that flanked the two meters jump manual

On Horine method was refined and changed the way of attacking the bar, now standing astride him, hence the name "straddle", in this technique the athlete attacks against the bar, stood on the bar passing first one leg and one arm and rotates on the imaginary axis would form his own body on the bar to get over it. The Soviet coach Dyachkov began studying the basics of this art from the 50s and started a Russian jumpers irresistible rise across all its brands, were the great rulers of the test and came to overcome, in the person of Valeri Brumel, height of 2.28 meters.

This was the situation when the Olympics came an almost unknown México'68 American diver passing the bar using a new style of jumping, so revolutionary that initially was disqualified. Your name: Dick Fosbury.

Fosbury began experimenting with the new technique, when I was 16; it was too difficult styles that are then used to execute the jump, such as straddle, scissor style or western roll..

The new technique was to run to the bar and transversely along a curved path to the bar once before jumping back to him and the nearest arm extended. This form is more effective from a biomechanical point of view, allowing leave less space between the center of gravity of the diver and the bar to overcome, so you get higher.

In principle the new way of jumping seemed rudimentary and imperfect, but the results were overpowering and shortly afterwards all athletes adopted the new style, which, of course, took the name of its creator.

publicado por baileyangelina a las 09:07 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
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